Congregational Voters Meeting February 2nd On Sunday February 2nd we will have our annual voters meeting. The Agenda is linked below to whom we are voting for our church community. The meeting will be held in the Peace Center. We will be reviewing the 2025 Budget and elect new officers. We look Keep Reading
Always Serving
Lutheran World Relief Layettes Lutheran World Relief Layettes (baby kits) were assembled on Wednesday afternoon, October 2 with the help of the Early Release students. We pray for the recipients, and all the beautiful children all around the world. It was a joyfilled afternoon, and 105 Layettes Keep Reading
“Serve the Lord with gladness and praise”
Winter/School Closings During inclement weather and days off of school, Peace Lutheran will follow the District 423 School closing protocol. We will not have class or programs if school is closed. If school closes early, we will not have afternoon or evening classes or children's events. Sunday Keep Reading
Events at Peace
Holy Week & Easter Please Join Us - Everyone Welcome! Palm Sunday March 24 8:30 Worship with SS children singing 9:40 Adult Bible Study/Peace Center 9:40 Sunday School 9:40 Young Adult Bible Study/Rm 209 10:30 Worship with Communion Maundy Thursday March 28 11:30 Keep Reading
Summer Concert Series Click HERE for Concert Schedule Questions - call the church office, 320-587-3031 ______________________________________________________ "A Promise Kept" Children's Christmas Service Sunday, December 18, 3:00 pm The Sunday School students will be sharing the Keep Reading
Congregational Meeting A congregational meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 30 following the Lenten Service. The meeting is to approve the 2022 budget. Meeting Decision - 3/2/22 PLC Council voted to keep LLCC open by a vote of 6-2. A new business model recommended by First Children’s Finance Keep Reading
Worship Survey
Worship Survey The worship committee is asking all members, confirmation age and up, to complete the following survey by May 16th. The purpose is to hear our congregation’s choices in worship and related worship practices. If the survey is to be valuable, it will need to be completed by all Keep Reading
Holy Week Worship Options
He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Matthew 28:6 Peace is Excited to Offer Two Worship Options for Holy Week Services Online - Livestream, Facebook Live & YouTube Drive-In Services at PEACE LUTHERAN Parking Lot ______________________ If you would like to Keep Reading
Lent & Holy Week 2020
A Note from Pastor Pasche You will find our latest updates at Please check often. ALL Worship Services will be Livestreamed thru EASTER at and Facebook/Peace Lutheran Church Sunday, March 29 9:15 am Peace Center 10:30 am Sanctuary Wed, Keep Reading