Holy Week & Easter
Please Join Us – Everyone Welcome! 
- Palm Sunday March 24
8:30 Worship with SS children singing
9:40 Adult Bible Study/Peace Center
9:40 Sunday School
9:40 Young Adult Bible Study/Rm 209
10:30 Worship with Communion - Maundy Thursday March 28
11:30 Worship w/Comm
6:30 Worship w/Comm - Good Friday March 29
12 pm Worship
6:30 pm Worship
No Saturday Worship service on March 30
6:30 am Worship w/Comm
7:30 – 10:00 am Breakfast – Peace Center
8:30 am Worship w/Comm
No Sunday School or Bible Class
10:30 am Worship w/Comm
Ash Wednesday & Lent
As we enter the season of Lent and Holy Week, we pray that you will experience the blessings of the Lord in both worship and your personal life!
Wednesday Worship Times
11:30 am • 4:30 pm • 6:30 pm
Lunch served after 11:30 am service in the Peace Center
Sermon Series; Pastor Glenn Meyer, IIM
- Ash Wednesday, FEB 14 • RENEWAL OF Servanthood
- Wednesday, FEB 21 • RENEWAL OF Obedience
- Wednesday, FEB 28 • RENEWAL OF Witness
- Wednesday, MAR 6 • RENEWAL OF Religion
- Wednesday, MAR 13 • RENEWAL OF Priorities
- Wednesday, MAR 20 • RENEWAL OF Godly Fear
Be a part of worship! If you have an interest in music or AV, would like to read scripture or greet people as they enter, please stop in or call the church office, 320-587-3031. We have the perfect spot just for you.
Epiphany Sunday, January 7, 2024

If the wise men (magi) were from Babylon (which they probably were), the trade route they would have taken would have been about 1300 kilometers. That’s a looooong trip! They would have come with a caravan, and perhaps even guards and servants. When they arrived, they gave the holy family expensive gifts as a gesture of respect.
myrrh. But we have time. We have talents. We have resources. We have energy.

How are you going to express your gratitude?
It will look different for different people. We have different talents. We have varying resources.
2023 Children’s Christmas Program – December 17, 2023
Advent & Christmas Worship
Mid-week Advent Worship services
Wednesdays, December 6, 13 & 20
11:30 am (lunch following) 4:30 and 6:30 pm (no meal).
A Children’s Christmas Service
Sunday, December 17, 10:30 am in the Sanctuary
Fourth Sunday in Advent
Sunday, December 24 service: 9:00 am worship
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
Sunday, December 24, 3 pm, 5 pm and 7 pm.
Christmas Day
December 25, 9:00 am with communion
December 30-31: Regular worship times
6:30 pm, 8:30 am, 10:30 am Communion at all services
No Sunday School or Adult Bible Study
January 7, Epiphany – Regular worship and Bible Study times
Sunday School sings at 10:30 am
Wednesday, November 29
in the Peace Center
5:30 Baked Ham Dinner
6:30 Handbell program
Sing along and play along (chimes)
$15. suggested donation
Proceeds will support music program at Peace.
Peace Lutheran
11 am – 3 pm
In the Peace Center
Menu Includes: Turkey, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Dressing, Corn, Cranberries, Pumpkin Dessert, and Beverage
Adults $16 *$15 with donation of food item for Common Cup
Children 5-12 $8
Under 5 yrs FREE
Come and enjoy a delicious turkey dinner with all the fixin’s!
Proceeds to support 7-year debt initiative.
Saturday, Nov 18
10 am – noon
Peace Lutheran Church (basement)
We will be painting on wood!
- Wood, paint & brushes provided
- This will be a step by step painting to make it easy and fun!
- Children under 6 MUST be accompanied by adult
Please RSVP your spot by the end of Monday, November 13th to Missy Kohls, 320-583-1545 or [email protected]
A $5.00 donation is recommended to help cover costs.
COLORS OF FUN – Chalk & Sidewalk Paint party
No matter your age or ability we can all show our COLORS.
Together let’s show off the BEAUTY God can help us design.
This is an outside event and is WEATHER PERMITTING EVENT.
WHEN: Saturday, October 21
TIME: 3:00 – 5:00 pm
WHERE: Peace Lutheran Church, 400 Franklin St SW
Chalk and sidewalk paint provided, however feel free to bring your favorite colors from home.
Free will donations accepted –
Contact Missy Kohls 320-583-1545 or
[email protected]
Lifetime Plan for Giving Workshop
Sunday, October 15, 2023
@ 11:30pm • Peace Center
The Workshop will cover:
- The important documents everyone should have before going to heaven.
- How the LCMS Foundation can assist you with preparing or reviewing a will or trust.
- Ensuring your estate is being transferred in a tax-wise manner, and in a manner which you intend.
- How giving plans are for everyone. Whether you are 18 or 98, we all posess gifts from God, and even the humblest gifts can make an impact.
LCMS Foundation Gift Planning
Kurt Fuhr
Northern Plains Region
Phone: 952-270-5878
If you cannot make it to the workshop, please read brochure and call Kurt Fuhr with any questions.
I would love to have dinner and help with it.
Hello Kelly, Thank you for offering to help! Please stop at church at your earliest convenience. There is a sign up in the Commons Area to help with one or more of the shifts for the Turkey Dinner, or stop in the office and they can answer any questions you have.