Serve one another in love.”
– Galatians 5:1
God has blessed Peace Lutheran for over 125 years. He has blessed us with dedicated staff, and devoted and generous members. He has also provided us with unlimited ministry opportunities.
I would like to challenge each of you to evaluate the special gifts that God has given to you and to determine how you can use those gifts to grow one of the wonderful ministries here at Peace, and to “Touch Lives with the Love and Saving Grace of Jesus”.
Please consider joining us in serving one another!
Ushers & Greeters
Have the gift of hospitality and genuinely enjoy people? The Ushers and Greeters are the first impression for worshipers. They welcome worshipers, distribute bulletins, and assist with seating people, receiving the offering. Adults and youth may serve as Ushers and Greeters for our worship services.
To Serve Contact
Chief Usher
Kevin Buss (320) 583-9235
Greeter Coordinator
Anita Miller (636)751-8058
Assisting our pastors in the worship services, you’ll read the assigned passages of the Bible in our worship services, helping the congregation to focus on the scripture.
Reader sign-up is on desk in the Commons Area.
To Serve Contact
Cyndy Fallon (320) 587-5517
Commons Welcome Desk
Share your warmth and hospitality – make people feel welcome during the week at Peace – answer the phone, point people in the right direction or lead them to their destination.
To Serve Contact
Church office (320) 587-3031
The AV Team
Sound, Lights, Video. Be a part of a creative group that helps enhance the entire worship experience at Peace. Prior experience is a PLUS but not a necessity. Professional training is provided.
To Serve Contact
Dr. Joan DeVeeDixon (320) 587-3031 ext. 2770
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is open to all adults who would like to prepare flowers for the altar, minister in Communion preparation and the care of our robes and paraments.
If you would like to purchase altar flowers to commemorate a special occasion, please contact the church office (320) 587-3031.
To Serve Contact
church office (320) 587-3031
Worship Committee
There are may people that assist in facilitating worship – Pastors, Elders, AV Team, Greeters, Ushers, Altar Guild, Readers, Acolytes, Custodial Staff and Musicians. We are grateful to each and everyone who regularly participates in some way.
If you would like to join the Worship Committee or are looking for a way to contribute to our services –
To Serve Contact
Anita Miller (320) 587-5696
Congregational Services
One of the goals of Congregational Services is to organize and carry out servant and social activities for Peace Lutheran and the community.
Children/Youth – Adult Mentors & Sunday School Teachers
Our Children and Youth Ministries are eternally grateful for all the volunteers who teach, mentor, chaperone and drive for events, help with fundraisers, and those who prep, cook and serve meals.
Experience the joy of investing in young lives.
To Serve Contact
Church Office 320-587-3031
Prayer Chain
A praying church is a living church
Prayer Chain is a group of men and women who are committed to praying for the needs and thanksgivings for our congregation, when asked. We receive prayers for heath issues, family trials, marital problems, for our church, schools and our country, etc.
We pray confidentially for you, writing the numbered prayers in our notebooks, so we can write the answers as God makes them happen. Our monthly meetings are the first Monday of the month at 9 am. Prayerfully consider joining the Prayer Chain.
To submit your prayers use email below or call the church office (320) 587-3031.
To Serve Contact
Annette Koehler (320) 587-6484
For questions regarding any of the ways you can serve at Peace contact us
Staff Directory