Touching lives with the love and saving grace of Jesus.
Pastoral Care, Visits & Worship
Spreading God’s word to our neighbors
- Harmony River Worship – 1st Tues., 10 am
- Evergreen Worship – 2nd Tues., 9 am
- The Pines/Oaks – 2nd Tues., 10:30 am
- Park Towers Worship – 3rd Thurs., 10 am
- Home Visits for Shut-Ins
- Hospital Visits
If you or someone you know would like a visit, contact the church office (320) 587-3031
Parish Health Ministry
Serving Peace congregation and the community
The purpose of the Parish Health Ministry is to promote health and wellness of body, mind, and spirit for Peace congregation and the community.
Some of the Activities include:
- Coordinate Red Cross Bloodmobile on 2nd Tues of each month
- Sponsor Taxi Program for transportation to worship services
- Host Driver Improvement Programs
- Maintain First Aid Kits and defibrillator
- Provide blood pressure screening on the Second Sunday of each month
- Relay for Life event participants
We encourage new congregational participation.
For information on Parish Health Ministry or if you would like to be a part of this ministry
Renee Clabo (320) 587-7275
Shirley Wurdell (320) 587-5064
Mary Haag, Sally Moehring, Marith Witte,
Common Cup Ministry
A Public Service – Community Organization
The mission of Common Cup Ministry is to gather and share Spiritual and financial resources of area churches into one “Common Cup” so that we may minister to those in need.
Common Cup Ministry currently consists of thirty member churches, twenty-six volunteers, an eight member Board of Directors and a Common Cup Representative Council. For more information on how to volunteer or become a member church, email us or please call the Common Cup Ministry office at (320) 587-2213.
Distribution Drives
- Coat Distribution
- Diaper Distribution
- School Supply Drive
- Backpack Food Program
Contact Information
Common Cup Ministries – Bev Bonte
105 2nd Ave SW, # 3
Hutchinson, Minnesota
The REACH Program
Our Mission: To REACH out and serve all students who need support, by helping them attain their place in life through academic and interpersonal success.
To learn more about The REACH Program, visit REACH or contact Chad Harlander at (320) 587-2151 ext 5127 or (320) 582-0775.