The music ministry at Peace offers a wide range of musical ensembles for all ages. If you are interested in joining an ensemble, please contact Dr. Joan DeVee Dixon at (320)587-3031 ext. 2770 or send an email to Dr. Joan.
Prayz Singing
Students are asked to join us in leading the singing for the 10:30 worship service on the FIRST SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Rehearsals can be arranged with Dr. Joan. Music will be simple and familiar.
Ringing in a handbell choir is challenging and fun. If you can count, you can be part of this unique choir. We rehearse from 6:30 to 7:30 pm on Wednesday evenings and play once or twice a month in worship, depending on everyone’s schedules.
Walker Pipe Organ
In 1997, J.W. Walker & Sons pipe organ builders from England installed a custom built pipe organ into the Sanctuary of Peace Lutheran Church. The organ has 3 manuals and pedal, 35 stops for 41 ranks of pipes (2,235 individual pipes) controlled by stop knobs, 32 levels of electronic combination action with 43 pistons and reversible, mechanical key action, and electric stop and combination action. The beautiful North American Oak case fits in nicely with the woodwork in the Sanctuary. The theme of Peace is seen in both the pipe shades as well as a dove gently landing atop the case.