In 2016 Peace Lutheran celebrated 125 years of ministry! Videos were created depicting how Peace Lutheran has changed over the years. But the one thing that has not changed is the message of the Gospel.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
God has more in mind for Peace Lutheran – more than a beautiful building, thriving activities and fellowship. Through Holy Baptism God makes His promises to us – our sins are forgiven, heaven is our new home and our hearts are renewed with the gift of His faith to trust in these promises. Our Lord and His promises will not change – no matter what year it is!
May the Lord continue to bless Peace Lutheran and the ministry He continues through us to “all nations.” May the Lord continue to “Touch lives with the love and saving grace of Jesus” through the witness of the many members of Peace Lutheran!
Chronological History of Peace Lutheran Church, Hutchinson, MN (pdf link)